5. Tuakana Teina Systems Within the Learning Space
Encouraging Tuakana Teina Relationships is an element of Te Kōrerorero - Talking Together, a resource from the MOE.
In this short video, Del Costello will unpack this and give you some great ideas about how to be explicit in your teaching so you can support rich Tuakana Teina relationships.
Links and readings.
The Language House - Pamela Snow:
Here is the link to the folder with the following resources:
Rameka, L., Glasgow, A., & Fitzgerald, M. (2016). Our voices: Culturally responsive, contextually located infant and toddler caregiving. Early Childhood Folio, 20(2), 3-9.
Rawlings, C., & Wilson, K. (2013). Tuakana-teina e-belonging report. AKO Aotearoa, RHPF Central, Wellington, New Zealand.
Smith, P. (2020). Children as teachers: How do we support children to be leaders amongst their peers?. Early Education, 66, 57-63.